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Aloha United Way: Making an Impact on Homelessness

January 13, 2017

Seabrooks supports over 100 organizations committed to making an impact on their community, including Aloha United Way based in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Recently Aloha United Way was recognized for their efforts to address a serious community issue on the island of Oahu – homelessness.

In April 2016, the organization received a $4.7 million state grant from the Department of Human Services to help households at risk of becoming homeless by providing one-time financial assistance to avoid eviction. Requests for assistance were received through their 211 system – a central resource and referral line operated by the organization to connect community members with the assistance they need, based on their individual circumstances.

Project data was captured through Seabrooks’ data collection and analysis system, i-CResults, to help them learn more about who was calling for assistance and why they faced eviction. They learned that since April over 3400 individuals have remained housed as a result of the initiative, leading to a 25% decrease in eviction court cases.

“Data can paint of picture of the specific challenges people face in a community” states Stacey Gillette, Seabrooks Director of Business Development and Innovation, “It’s an essential tool to uncover the root causes of community conditions and make data-driven decisions. Ultimately, we want to help users develop effective community services tailored to address their local community needs.”

i-CResults easily captures and evaluates impact data to assist organizations in determining their impact and opportunities to further improve client and community outcomes. In this case, it also helped Aloha United Way understand the return of investment from the $4.7 million state grant they received and report the results to their funder and the broader community.

“The rental assistance initiative has been hugely successful, and a part of that was the ease in reporting and having real-time data. That was made possible with Seabrooks’ i-CResults system,” states Marc Gannon, Aloha United Way’s Vice President of Community Impact.

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