Hosted by United Way of the Mid-South, Memphis, Tennessee
Planning for our 2019 User Conference is in full swing —- The annual e-CImpact User Conference is a special time of year, where Seabrooks Staff has the opportunity to meet users face-to-face and form lasting friendships with the people we support throughout the year.
Do you want to be the Rockstar at your organization? Join us at the 2019 Conference and learn how to simplify your application and reporting processes, how others are using e-CImpact, and how you can pull your data in minutes.
Agenda at a glance….
Strategic Planning: Karaoke to Rock Star
A good investment process starts with a great strategic plan. In this session we’ll discuss best-practices in building a strong foundation and framework to create an investment process that meets the needs of your organization, partners, and community.
Reports & Dashboards: Sing Your Song
The applications are submitted. The performance measures have been reported. The evaluations are complete. The data is in! Now, how do you get it out to share your story? This session will provide an overview of the Reports & Dashboards tools in e-CImpact to help you proudly sing your song!
New Features: Top 10 Count Down
Seabrooks is writing hot new tunes all year long. All of them are dedicated to YOU! In this session we’ll explore the top new e-CImpact features created to help you effectively and efficiently create positive impact in your community.
e-CImpact 101: Getting in Tune
Let’s get in tune with Administrative Site best-practices and navigation tips and tricks to set us up for a standing ovation-worthy performance throughout our conference.
Rock-Star Applications – Part 1: The Making of a Star
The right sound, the right look, the right time…it’s all here! In this session we’ll stage-dive into tips on designing a just-right-for-you application and investment process as well as time-saving features to make your rise to stardom seamless.
Rock-Star Applications – Part 2: A Little Bit Country or a Little Bit Rock ‘N Roll?
Regardless of your process’ genre, e-CImpact can meet your needs. We’ll examine unique grant and funding processes and discover new ways to use e-CImpact to support impact through community investment.
Performance Measures – Part 1: Hitting All the Right Notes
Are you investing in the work that will make a real difference in your community? How will you track the impact your funding is making? What’s the best way to collect performance data? Dynamic Results forms will help with their versatile, powerful reporting capabilities. We’ll explore the different configurations and reports available to you so you can hit the right note every time!
Performance Measures – Part 2: Joining the Chorus
Being able to show the results of your investment is crucial. Sharing collective results with standardized measures can be inspiring! In this session, we’ll look at what happens when everyone joins in to sing your organization’s melody and how e-CImpact can help get you there.
Performance Measures – Part 3: Finding Harmony
You’re collecting your performance measures one way and you need to easily report it in another. System Measures is here to help! Find harmony between your language and your alternative reporting language as we review e-CImpact’s System Measures capabilities. This is particularly useful for those reporting United Way Worldwide Global Measures.
Performance Measures – Part 4: Encore! Encore!
You’re not ready to stop and neither are your fans! Take the next step in performance measurement and analysis with i-CResults. Measure outcomes “apples to apples,” compare results across programs, and get real-time, individual data for in-depth analysis to determine what’s working.
Evaluations: Check 1…Check 2…
Applications just left the main stage and evaluations are warming up! This session will focus on creating the “just right” evaluation process for your organization as well as the e-CImpact forms and settings to go with it.
Allocations and Reimbursements: And the Award Goes to…
You’re ready to award funds to make a difference in your community and e-CImpact helps without missing a beat. In this session you’ll discover how Allocation Worksheets can be used to manage the award allocation process and how the Reimbursement module can support your funding conditions.
Duet with Support
Together, we make beautiful music! This open session is for members of our e-CImpact family to have one-on-one time and support from a Seabrooks team member.
Jam Session
Let’s work together on Seabrooks’ upcoming hit songs! In this session we’ll have an open discussion on what improvements and new features would be most beneficial to you and your work.
While the goal of our Annual User Conference is to provide an opportunity for you to take full advantage of in-depth, interactive training activities in an environment that allows new and seasoned users to enhance their knowledge and skills for utilizing e-CImpact; it is also a wonderful opportunity for you to have a bit of fun with the Seabrooks Team while getting to know your fellow e-CImpact users from around the country.
We could not come to Memphis without seeing Graceland! This year, our conference attendee networking event is on May 22nd and includes an exclusive after hours Elvis Experience tour of Graceland followed by a private dinner at Vernon’s Smokehouse.