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Case Study: The Elements of Community Impact

March 3, 2017

Seabrooks is excited to release its newest Case Study featuring a long-time client, Valley of the Sun United Way (VSUW) in Phoenix, Arizona.

The case study describes how VSUW successfully brings together the elements of data, collaboration and funding to make a lasting impact on critical issues facing their community. The study focuses on their recent collaboration with the City of Phoenix to consolidate and strengthen the efforts of Read On Phoenix, which supports early literacy for youth ages birth to 8 years. Seabrooks technology platforms will help the collaboration identify and track shared performance data.

“Data is so important to attaining our goals, it helps us do a better job of helping children and their families access the services they need, therefore contributing to a thriving community overall.” It is essential to our success.” states Brian F. Spicker, VSUW Chief Program Officer.

Seabrooks is proud to support VSUW and more than 125 other United Ways and funding organizations focused on making an impact in their local community with e-CImpact™ and i-CResults. Both systems are designed to capture the data and information needed to identify effective solutions, manage administrative processes efficiently, and evolve strategies based on results.

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