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Seabrooks Expands Its Staff Team…Again!

July 6, 2017

Seabrooks is thrilled to welcome Jaime Hill to the ‘Seabrooks family’!

Jaime brings over four years of experience supporting human services planning and contracting efforts at the City of Tacoma, including serving as a system administrator of their e-CImpact system. In her role there she worked closely with 75 community programs to help them improve their services, measure their impact, and work more collaboratively to improve client outcomes.

She also brings a passion for process improvement and is very excited to help organizations identify, analyze and take advantage of the tools available to move their work forward.

“There is always a component of an organization’s current process that can be improved.” states Jaime Hill, Business Development and Support Associate, “Addressing issues like homelessness and mental health require a wide array of strategies and resources e-CImpact and i-CResults enable organizations to bring multiple community partners together and make an larger impact on shared outcomes.”

We’re excited to see how Jaime’s expertise benefits current and prospective clients.

Welcome, Jaime!

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