It’s time to put your organization’s annual report together. Did that statement make you shudder?
There’s no doubt that summarizing the tremendous work accomplished by your organization and its partners over the course of a year into a dozen or so pages (or less!) can feel daunting. Throw in some creative differences along the way and shuddering at the thought is understandable.
One thing that should not be cause for physical expressions of angst? Getting the information your team needs to show your impact. A good grant and impact management system will allow you to get your impact data out and into your annual report in no time! Let’s look at a few to start with:
• Stories collected in applications and reports from community members positively impacted by your services and support.
• Impact investments made by your organization broken into strategic funding areas/streams all the way down to the individual program.
• Impact measurement data automatically calculated, summed, or averaged across multiple programs.
• Demographic data for the community members receiving support through programs your organization funds.
• The number of and diversity among community volunteers engaged in strategic funding efforts.
No need to break out the calculator for this project! All this information can be yours through e-CImpact in a few simple clicks. Seriously! With good application, report, and evaluation processes in place, e-CImpact’s customizable report templates mean impact data and stories are at your fingertips at any time.
Seabrooks is committed to your success with staff that has a full spectrum of experience and a grants management and impact reporting software as flexible as you are. If you are ready to explore how the right system can support your work and eliminate your annual report anxiety, reach out to the Seabrooks team at