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Impact Grows and Adapts with the Help of e-CImpact

March 1, 2021

Easily transform your grant processes to meet evolving community needs

Community needs are ever-changing. As a funder meeting the needs of your neighbors, you know this all too well. With evolving needs comes transformed impact investment practices. Unique funding opportunities, streamlined requests, revamped evaluation criteria, new requirements, and broader stakeholder engagement are some ways you may be refining your process for greater impact.

Is your grant and impact management system capable of evolving with you?

Your work isn’t one-and-done, never to be changed again. Your system shouldn’t be either! Let’s take a look at a few ways you can leverage e-CImpact’s flexibility today, and as you advance positive change in the future.

Personalized Processes for All

Funding for diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts in your community is unique. The application process should be too! Creating separate processes for your urgent relief, EFSP, childcare assistance, operation support, innovative endeavors, and impact investment funding opportunities (yes, all being managed in e-CImpact by Seabrooks family members today!) will allow you to customize community partners’ experience through:

   • Specific qualification requirements
   • Tailored application questions and forms
   • Custom communications via announcements/news items, guiding documents/resource center items, event/meeting invitations

Enhanced Evaluation Experiences

Diverse funding opportunities call for custom-made evaluations to determine investment. Make informed and effective decisions by adapting your application review process for your evaluators with:

   • Criteria and scoring options built for the specific opportunity
   • Customized access to forms and documents submitted by applicants
   • Access to all requests submitted for a funding opportunity even when an evaluator will not be reviewing them all
   • And, yes, custom communications for evaluators too!

Flexibility on the Fly

Did your community impact evolution just hit warp speed? Once an application or evaluation is in motion, what can you do to help your stakeholders stay on the right path without abandoning your process?
   • Adjust and/or extend deadlines
   • Update instructions and guidance for the process and on forms themselves
   • Add helpful hints on hard-to-answer questions
   • Post announcements on the homepage for specific stakeholders to see

We’ve just scratched the surface! You deserve a system that will grow and adapt with your team and your community. You also deserve support from a team that is committed to your success no matter what needs you are meeting in your community today. Reach out to to explore how you can get the best system and the best support so you can do your best work.

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