Smarter Grant Management

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Thanks for a Terrific 2023!

January 1, 2024

A look back at 2023's accomplishments with an eye on the future

Thank you Seabrooks family members! Thank you for the difference you make every day, giving us the honor of supporting you and your work, and for being an absolute pleasure to partner with.

In 2023, we worked as hard as ever to make your impact and grant management work even more efficient. Together, we put some fantastic improvements into action. Let’s look at just a few of the year’s highlights:

  • Sending award letters and funding agreements got a big boost with the new Letters & Agreements feature. These can now be sent through e-CImpact, include allocation/form data, collect signatures, and more!
  • Performance measurement collection and reporting was kicked up a notch with even more customization options so you can easily measure what matters to you and your community.
  • At-a-glance information expanded with enhanced system snapshots and dashboards, so you have real-time updates in an instant.
  • New and updated report templates made it easier than ever to get in, get the data you need, and get on with your good work.
  • Funding request and award tracking flexibility grew with agency-level request and allocation features.
  • Too many time-saving upgrades to list here!

Not only did we enjoy introducing system upgrades to every organization we serve (at no additional cost!), we loved sharing time with Seabrooks family members through our best-practice webinar series, complimentary consultations, hands-on labs, and through every day support.

We can’t wait to reveal the impact-making, time-saving upgrades we have in store for 2024.

Thank you for another terrific year in the books, and here’s to a tremendous year ahead!

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